CCS provides access to alcohol and other drug services in Canterbury. We are an assessment, referral and resource service.
We offer an initial interview, by telephone or in person, which may lead to one of the following:
Short term 1:1 counselling (brief intervention)
Self-help information
Support/education groups
Peer support
Detox options
Intensive treatment options
Methadone and Opioid Substitution Treatment (OST)
Information and resources are available for families and professionals
Self referrals accepted via telephone and email
Referrals accepted from GPs and other community agencies via post, fax and email
Ph: 03 338 4437
Fax: 03 338 7427
CCS is located at:
49 Carlyle Street
Car parking is available at the top of the ramp on
the right hand side of the building
Open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm for Screening (7.30pm for groups) and Saturday by appointment
Check us out on Facebook at